Mark J Davies

John Simpson

John Simpsons War Medal

Records Office
Alexandra Palace
London N22

I am directed to transmit to you the accompanying British War Medal Victory Medal
which would have been confirmed upon No 5630 Private John Simpson MG Corps
had he lived, in memory of his services with the British Forces during the Great War.

In Forwarding the Decoration I am commanded by the King to assure you of His Majesty's high
appreciation of the services rendered.

I am to request that you will be good as to acknowledge the receipt of the Decoration on the
attached form.

I am
Your Obedient Servant

Lt- Colonel

l/c Machine Gun Records.









Hobbies Volvo V50 Volvo C30 Woottons Square



Created by M J Davies FIHE MCIHT MIAM

Last Updated : 7th January 2023